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29 January 2013

Atmospheric Deposition Sampling at CEAB

From October 2012, atmospheric deposition samples are being collected at weekly basis from collectors on the roof of the CEAB's facilities.
The sampling is performed within the framework of the Project ADEPT (Aerosol deposition and ocean plankton dynamics) coordinated by Dr. Francesc Peters at the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC) in Barcelona.
The ADEPT project (CTM2011-23458) is funded the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and will last till Dec 2014.
The CEAB's Observatory shares meteorological and oceanographic data collected at the Observation Station at the Blanes Canyon head with other project participants to validate dispersion models of atmospheric deposition.
As stated in the official website of the project (http://www.icm.csic.es/bio/adept/about.htm) "ADEPT addresses the study of the effect of atmospheric aerosol deposition on the dynamics of a marine LNLC (low nutrient low chlorophyll) system, namely the Mediterranean. To achieve its goal, ADEPT uses a multiscale and complementary approach. Relationships between atmospheric deposition and ocean nutrient and plankton dynamics are studied at a coastal scale and at the Mediterranean basin scale. Laboratory experiments focus to understand some of the underlying mechanisms".
ADEPT provides the CEAB's Observatory with valuable partial financial support, what has been very positive for keeping the Observatory operational.
The Observatory is expected to become a permanent observation station for local and regional weather and sea conditions. The Observatory welcomes collaborative actions with other research groups, academic institutions and innovative private companies.

We want to thank Roser Ventosa, Lab Manager at CEAB, Monserrat Soler, Research Associate at CEAB, and Martin Schermuly, Erasmus student at CEAB from the Fresenius University of Applied Chemistry, and Nixon Bahamon, head of the Observatory, for their kind assistance in the periodic sampling. Rachele Gallisai is a researcher of the project at ICM-CSIC in charge of the sampling processing and analysis. Francesc Peters is the principal investigator of the ADEPT project at ICM-CSIC.