The Observatory distribute atmospheric and marine data collected from the observation station (St. OOCS) in near-real time via this website.
The data distributed along with information provided regarding related events through social networks, are addressed to the general public. The data collected are also used for academic and scientific purposes.
In 2014 the integration of the oceanographic data generated by the Observatory to the European exchange systems MyOcean data, EMODnet and MONGOOS, was carried out.
The future of the Observatory depends on funds from research projects from the National Plan and from the support that the CEAB-CSIC can provide.
A number of projects have been partially funded the activities of the observatory. OAMMS (2009-2011; ADEPT (2012-2015) and CONECTA2 (2016-2018). Other national and international funding sources are being explored.

The Observatory provides services to the general public and the scientific community for local, regional and international projections of environmental and climatic changes.
A typical autumn storm took place on December 14, 2009 (see photo above). For the first time a series of data from adverse weather conditions was recorded by the marine observatory.
Since then, data that has characterized various atypical storms of sea and wind, as well as data has been collected atypical stations, aboard the research vessel "Dolores" and also from meteorological and oceanographic instruments buoy have been collected and analysed.
The information gathered so far has generated time series data unique in the area showing inter-annual trends of environmental changes.