Research in Marine Ecology from Observations to Modelling
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Statistical and numerical tools (open source) are freely available from the world wide web that can be used to perform marinecometrics studies.

A further contribution, consisting on a one-dimensional numerical model representing the conditions of the upper water layers of the ocean (1DV Blanes model) has been re-programmed at CEAB-CSIC, in order to make it available to public. The density-dependent turbulent diffusion model has been already implemented (see Matlab/Octave model outputs here). The biogeochemical module implementation is in progress.

The following links lead to freely available statistical and numerical tools:



R: Statistical computing (software)

R-Studio (recommended R-editor software)

R Environmetrics packages (environmetrics)

Ginkgo: Multivariate analysis (statistical software)

WinBUGS: Bayesian analysis using Markov chain Monte Carlo (statistical software)

Scilab: Scientific computing (numerical computation software)

Octave: High-level lenguage mostly compatible with Matlab (numerical computation software)

ROMS: Regional Oceanic Modelling System (ocean modelling code)



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