Romano, C., Flexas, M.M., Segura, M., Román, S., Bahamon, N., Gili, J.M., Sanchez-Vidal, A. Martin, D. 2017. Canyon effect and seasonal variability of deep-sea organisms in the NW Mediterranean: synchronous, year-long captures of "swimmers" from near-bottom sediment traps in a submarine canyon and its adjacent open slope, In Deep Sea Research Part I. ISSN 0967-0637, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr.2017.10.002. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Time series analysis
Bernardello R, Serrano E, Coma R, Ribes M, Bahamon N. 2016. A comparison of remote-sensing SST and in situ seawater temperature in near-shore habitats in the western Mediterranean Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 559: 21–34. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Time series analysis
Ahumada-Sempoal, MA. Flexas, M.M., Bernardello, R., Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., C. Reyes-Hernández. 2015. Shelf-slope exchanges and particle dispersion in Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea): A numerical study. Continental Shelf Research 109, 35-45. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: 3D hydrodynamic modelling.
Ahumada-Sempoal, M.-A., Flexas, M.-M., Bernardello, R., Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A. 2013. Northern Current variability and its impact on the Blanes Canyon circulation: A numerical study. Progress in Oceanography 118, 61-70. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: 3D hydrodynamic modelling
Bernardello, R., Cardoso, J. G., Bahamon, N., Donis, D., Marinov, I., Cruzado, A. 2012. Modelled interannual variability of vertical organic matter export related to phytoplankton bloom dynamics – a case-study for the NW Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences, 9, 4233-4245. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: 3D Coupled biogeological - hydrodynamic model
Cruzado, A., Bernardello, R., Ahumada-Sempoal, M.A., Bahamon, N. 2012. Modelling the pelagic ecosystem dynamics: The NW Mediterranean. pag. 35-60 . In: A. Cruzado (ed). Marine Ecosystems. InTech Open Access Publisher .
Rijeka, Croatia. 310 pp. ISBN 978-953-51-0176-5. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: 3D marine ecosystem models
Bahamon, N., Aguzzi, J., Bernardello, R., Ahumada-Sempoal, M-A., Puigdefabregas, J., Cateura, J.,
Muñoz, E., Velásquez, Z., Cruzado, A. 2011. The new pelagic Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS) for the multisensor coordinated measurement of atmospheric and oceanographic conditions. Sensors. 11: 11251-11272. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Oceanographic instrumentation, coastal observing systems
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Bernardello, R., Donis, D. 2010. Patterns of phytoplankton chlorophyll variability in Mediterranean Seas. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 39, 436. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs)
Libralato, S., Arneri, E., Bahamon, N., Coll, M., Cossarini,G. Morello,E. B., Palomera, I., Santojanni, A., Solidoro, C. 2010. Effects of climate-driven changes on the north-central Adriatic food web: Insights from an end-to-end approach. Rapp. Comm. int. Mer Médit., 39, 570. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: End-to-end modelling approach
Bahamon, N.; Cruzado, A.; Bernardello, R.; Ahumada, M.A.. 2011. The New Pelagic Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS): Consolidating long time series observations. Instrumentation Viewpoint 11: 43.
Bahamon, N., Bernardello, R., Cruzado, A.,Ahumada, M.A., Donis, D. 2010. Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS). In: Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Annex), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306.I WANT A REPRINT
Cruzado, A., Bahamon, N., Bernardello, R., Ahumada, M.A., Donis, D., Cardoso, G. 2009. Operacional Observatory of the Catalan Sea. Instrumentation Viewpoint 8: 75. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Real time observing system, numerical modelling
Bahamon, N., Bernardello, R.,Velasquez, Z., Cruzado, A., Weeks, A. Chlorophyll predictabitily in a highly dynamic temperate oceanographic station (submitted). Methods: Generalised additive models (GAM), regression trees
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., 2003. Modelling nitrogen fluxes in oligotrophic marine environments: NW Mediterranean Sea and NE Atlantic. Ecological Modelling 163(3): 223-244. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: 1 DV numerical model
Bahamon, N., Velazquez, Z., Cruzado, A., 2003. Chlorophyll-a and nitrogen fluxes in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Deep-sea Research I, 50(10-11): 1189-1203. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: vertical diffusive fluxes
Bahamon, N., Velazquez, Z., Cruzado, A., 2003. Chlorophyll-a and nitrogen fluxes in the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. Journal of Geobiology 2(12): http://earth.elsevier.com/geobiology. Methods: vertical diffusive fluxes
Bahamon, N., 2002. Dynamics of oligotrophic pelagic environments: NW Mediterranean Sea and subtropical North Atlantic. PhD Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. 172 p. ISBN-4725-2003/84-688-0734-6. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: 1DV numerical modelling, diffusive and advective fluxes
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z. 2000. Nitrogen fluxes in oligotrophic marine environments computed with a one-dimensional ecological model. Ocean Biogeochemistry: A New Paradigm. p. 101. Methods: 1DV numerical modelling, diffusive and advective fluxes
Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Perez, M.C., Bahamon, N., Grimaldo, N.S., Ridolfi, F., 2002. Nutrient fluxes from the Ebro River and subsequent across-shelf dispersion. Continental Shelf Research 22(2): 349-360. I WANT A REPRINT
Cruzado, A., García, H.E., Velásquez, Z.R., Grimaldo, N.S., Bahamon, N., 1998. The Ria de Huelva (SW Spain). Hydrography and general characteristics. In: Morales, J.A., Borrego, J. (Eds.), European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies, Second Annual Scientific Conference: Abstracts 83
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velázquez, Z., Weeks, A. 2003. Variability of the underwater light field and chlorophyll a in the Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the MERIS-ENVISAT calibration exercise. MERIS Workshop Proceeding, Oct 2003, Frascati, Italy. I WANT A REPRINT
Weeks, A., Robinson, I., Byfield, V., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Bahamon, N. 2003. MERIS Validation in the North West Mediterranean and the Mascarene Ridge (Indian Ocean). MERIS Workshop Proceeding, Oct 2003, Frascati, Italy. I WANT A REPRINT
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2. Applied marine and fisheries ecology
Kathena, J.N., Yemane, D., Bahamon, N., Jansen, T. 2018. Population abundance and seasonal migration patterns indicated by commercial catch-per-unit-effort of hakes (Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus) in the northern Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem. African Journal of Marine Science. In press.
Gorelli, G., Company, J.B., Bahamón, N., Sardà F. 2017. Improving codend selectivity in the fishery of the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Sci. Mar. 81(3): 381-386. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3989/scimar.04575.25A. I WANT A REPRINT.
Doya, C., Chatzievangelou, D., Bahamon, N., Purser, A., De Leo, F.C., Juniper, S.K., Thomsen, L., Aguzzi, J.. 2017. Seasonal monitoring of deep-sea megabenthos in Barkley Canyon cold seep by internet operated vehicle (IOV). PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176917. I WANT A REPRINT.
Mecho, A., Aguzzi, J., De Mol, B., Lastras, G., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Bahamon, N., Company, J.B., Canals, M. 2017. Visual faunistic exploration of geomorphological human-impacted deep-sea areas of the north-western Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S0025315417000431 I WANT A REPRINT
Ayma, A., Aguzzi, J., Canals, M., Lastras, G., Bahamon, N., Mecho, A., Company. J.B. 2016. Comparison between ROV video and Agassiz trawl methods for sampling deep water fauna
of submarine canyons in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea with observations on behavioural
reactions of target species. Deep-Sea Research I 114: 149 - 159. I WANT A REPRINT
Fernandez-Arcaya, U.; Drazen, J. C.; Murua, H.; Ramírez-Llodra, E; Bahamon, N; Recasens, L; Guiomar; R-. Company, J.B. 2016. Bathymetric gradients of fecundity and egg size in fishes: A Mediterranean case study. Deep Sea Research Part I 116 : 106-117. I WANT A REPRINT
Gordoa, A., Bahamon., N. 2016. Catch rates and catch structures of the Balfegó purse seine fleet in Balearic Waters from 2000 to 2015; Three years of size frecuency distribution based on video techniques. Collect. Vol. Sci. Pap. ICCAT 72 (7), 1828-1834 I WANT A REPRINT
Bahamón, N. 2013. R-guide for standardising catches and landings and establishing connections with the environment: The cases of hake, horse mackerel and pilchard. NatMIRC Project. Namibian Ministry of Fisheries and marine Resources; National Marine Informaction and Research Centre; Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo; Instituto Español de Oceanografía; Centro Tecnológico del Mar. 218 pp. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: GLMs, GAMs, Regression trees.
Kainge, P., Bahamon, N., Bartholomae, C-H., Kathena, J.N., van der Plas, A.K, Gordoa, A. 2013. Stock-environment recruitment analysis for Namibian Cape hake (Merluccius capensis). African Journal of Marine Science, 35 (4) : 555–564. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: GAMs
Aguzzi, J., Company J.B., Bahamon, N., Flexas M.M., Tecchio S., Fernandez-Arcaya U., García J.A., Mechó A., Koenig S., Canals M. 2013. Seasonal bathymetric migrations of deep-sea fishes and decapod crustaceans in the NW Mediterranean Sea. Progress in Oceanography 118, 210-221. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: GAMs and multidimensional scaling
Aguzzi, J., Company, J.B., Costa, C., Matabos, M., Azzurro, E., Manuel, A., Menesatti, P., Sardà, F., Canals, M., Delory, E., Cline, D., Favali, P., Juniper, K.S., Furushima, Y., Fujiwara, Y., Chiesa, J.J., Marotta, L., Bahamon, N., Priede, I.G. 2012. Challenges to the assessment of benthic populations and biodiversity as a result of rhythmic behaviour: Video solutions from cabled observatories. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 50: 233-284. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Review
Aguzzi, J., Company J.B., Costa, C., Menesatti, P., Garcia, J.A., Bahamon, N., Puig, P., Sardà, F. 2011. Activity rhythms in deep-sea: a chronobiological approach. Frontiers in Bioscience 16: 161-150. I want a reprint. Methods: Review
Bahamon, N., Sardà, F., Aguzzi, J. 2009. Fuzzy diel pattern in catchability of deep-water continental margin species. ICES Journal of Marine Science 66: 2211-2218. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Fuzzy clustering, hierarchical clustering
Aguzzi, J., Bahamon, N. 2009. Modelled day-night biases in decapod assessment by bottom trawling survey. Fisheries Research 100: 274-280. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Multidimensional scaling, generalised additive models
Sardà, F., Company, J.B., Bahamon, N., Rotllant, G., Flexas, M.M., Sánchez, J.D., Zúñiga, D., Coenjaerts, J., Orellana, D., Jordà, G., Puigdefábregas, J., Sánchez-Vidal, A., Calafat, A., Martin, D., Espino, M. 2009. Relationship between environment and occurrence of the deep-water rose shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, 1816) in the Blanes submarine canyon (NW Mediterranean). Progress in oceanography 82: 227-238. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Generalised additive models, regression trees
Aguzzi, J., Bahamon, N., Marotta, L. 2009. The influence of light availability and predatory behavior of Nephrops norvegicus on the activity rhythms in continental margin decapods. Marine Ecology 30: 366-375. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Multidimensional scaling, generalised additive models
Coll, M., Bahamon, N., Sarda, F, Suuronen, P., Palomera, I., Tudela, T. 2008. Setting trawl selectivity measures within an ecosystem context in the NW Mediterranean. Marine Ecology Progress Series 355:131–147.I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Food web model, virtual population analysis
WWF Mediterranean. 2008. Ecosystem-based assessment of the effects of increasing trawl selectivity in the Mediterranean. Switching to square-meshed nets - A first step on the long journey towards sustainability. Report. Coordinated by M. Coll and participated by N. Bahamón, S. Sardà y P. Suuronen. 68 pp. I WANT A REPRINT
Martín, P., Bahamon, N., Sabates, N., Maynou, F., Sanchez, P., Demestre, M. 2008. European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) landings and environmental conditions in the Catalan Coast (NW Mediterranean) during 2000- 2005. Hydrobiologia 612: 185-199. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: Cross-correlations, generalised additive models
Sardà, F., Bahamon, N. 2008. Mallas cuadradas y rejillas separadoras de pescado para mejorar la selectividad de la pesca de arrastre demersal. Quaderns Blaus No. QB019. Càtedra d’Estudis Marítims (Universitat de Girona – Ajuntament de Palamós) I Museu de la Pesca. 22pp.
Sardà, F., Bahamon, N. 2008. Les malles quadrades per millorar la selectivitat de la pesca d’arrossegament. Pesca Mar 6: 7-8. I WANT A REPRINT
Bahamon, N., Sarda, F., Suuronen, P. 2007. Potential benefits from improved selectivity in the northwest Mediterranean multispecies trawl fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science 64: 757-760. I WANT A REPRINT. Methods: logistic functions
Bahamon, N., Sarda, F. Suuronen, P. 2007. Selectivity of flexible size-sorting grid in Mediterranean multi-species trawl fishery. Fisheries Science 73(6): 1231-1240. I WANT A REPRINT
Sarda, F., Bahamon, N., Sarda-Palomera, F., Moli, B. 2006. Selectivity performance of a square mesh codend and sorting grid in multispecies trawl fishery in NW Mediterranean. Scientia Marina 70: 347-353. I WANT A REPRINT
Bahamon, N., Sarda, F., Suuronen, P. 2006. Improvement of trawl selectivity in the NW Mediterranean demersal fishery by using a 40 mm square. Fisheries Research 81: 15-25. I WANT A REPRINT
Sarda, F., Bahamon, N., Sarda-Palomera, F., Moli, B., 2005. Commercial testing of a sorting grid to reduce catches of juvenile hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the western Mediterranean demersal trawl fishery. Aquatic Living Resources 18, 87-91. I WANT A REPRINT
Rivera-Monroy, V., Torres, L.A., Bahamon, N., Newmark, F., Twilley, R., 1999. The potential use of mangrove forest as nitrogen sinks of shrimp aquaculture pond effluents: the role of denitrification. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society 30(1): 12-25. I WANT A REPRINT
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3. Limnology
Salcedo-Hernández, M.J., Duque, S.R., Palma, L., Torres-Bejarano, A., Montenegro, D., Bahamon, N., Lagos, L., Alvarado, L.F., Gómez, M., Alba, A.P. 2012. Ecología del fitoplancton y dinámica hidrológica del sistema lagunar de Yahuarcaca, Amazonas, Colombia: análisis integrado de 16 años de estudio. Mundo Amazónico 3:17-42. I WANT A REPRINT
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Reports and papers in congresses and workshops
Cruzado, A., Bahamon, N., Falcini, F., Sammartino, M., & Simoncelli, S. 2017. EMODnet MedSea CheckPoint Challenge 6 (Marine Environment) Report. European Marine Observation and Data Network. https://doi.org/10.25423/cmcc/medsea_checkpoint_challenge6
Carretón, M., Company, JB., Boné, A., Rotllant, G., Bahamon, N., Dos Santos, A. 2017. Decapod crustacean larval community of the submarine canyon off Blanes (NW Mediterranean). The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 19-22 Jun 2017: Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea. Book of Abstracts, O-52. Barcelona.
Clavel-Henry, M., Sole, J., Bahamon, N., Ahumada-Sempoal, M-A., Briton, F., Rotllant, G., Company, JB. 2017. Influence of the Aristeus antennatus larval ecology on simulated dispersal patterns in North-western Mediterranean Sea. The Crustacean Society Mid-Year Meeting 19-22 Jun 2017: Colloquium Crustacea Decapoda Mediterranea. Book of Abstracts, P-072. Barcelona.
Bahamon, N., Ahumada-Sempoal, M.A., Bernardello, R., Aguzzi, J. , Gordoa, A., Carreras, G., Company, J.B., Velasquez, Z., Cruzado, A. 2016. Seven years of marine environmental changes monitoring at coastal OOCS stations (Catalan Sea, NW Mediterranean). Instrumentation Viewpoint 19, 23-24.
Doya, C., Chatzievangelou, D., Bahamon, N., Purser, A., De Leo, F.C., Juniper, K., Thomsen, L., Aguzzi, J., 2016. Yearly epibenthic megafaunal community dynamics at a cold seep (Barkley Canyon) using a tracked Sea Crawler. 3rd INCISE International Submarine Canyon Symposium. Victoria, Canada.
Bernardello, R., Bahamon, N., Ahumada, MA., Martin, A., Henson, S. 2015. Detection of deep water formation from remote sensing chlorophyll in the NW Mediterranean Sea. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 17, 13351
Bernardello, R., Cardoso, J. G., Bahamon, N., Donis, D. Marinov, I., Cruzado, A. 2013. Factors controlling interannual variability of vertical organic matter export and ohytoplankton bloom dynamics. A numerical case-study for the NW Mediterranean Sea.
Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 15, EGU2013-12050. EGU General Assembly 2013.
Bernardello, R., Bahamón, N., Ahumada-Sempoal, M.A., Donis, D., Cardoso, G., Cruzado, A. 2013. Dependence of new primary production estimations on the choice of the mixed layer depth criterion: a 3D modelling study for the Western Mediterranean. Simposium on Integrating New Advances in Mediterranean Oceanography and Marine Biology, Barcelona, Spain. Poster.
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Bernardello, R., Ahumada, 2010. The CEAB's marine observatory in the Catalan Sea: Consolidating long time series observations?
Instrumentation Viewpoint 11, 43
Bahamon, N., Bernardello, R., Cruzado, A., Ahumada, M.A., Donis, D. 2010. Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS). In: Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society (Annex), Venice, Italy, 21-25 September 2009, Hall, J., Harrison, D.E. & Stammer, D., Eds., ESA Publication WPP-306.
Cruzado, A., Bahamon, N., Bernardello, R., Ahumada, M.A., Donis, D., Cardoso, G. 2010. Operational Observatory of the Catalan Sea (OOCS). Instrumentation Viewpoint 8, 75
Mecho, A., Ramirez-Llodra, E., Aguzzi, J., Sardà, F., Bahamon, N., Company, J.B. 2010. Taxonomical composition and differences of megabenthic and benthopelagic invertebrates (non-crustaceans) in western Mediterranean open slope and canyon. 12th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium. Reykjavík, Iceland. Poster.
Mecho, A., Ramirez – Llodra, E., Aguzzi, J. Canals, M., Calafat, A., Lastras, G., Sanchez-Vidal, A., Smith, C., Bahamon, N., Company, J.B. 2010. Video quantitative survey of western Mediterranean open slope communities by ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle). 12th International Deep-sea Biology Symposium. Reykjavík, Iceland. Poster.
Mecho, A., Canals, M., Ramirez – Llodra, E., Aguzzi, J. De Mol, B., Benib, L., Calafat, A., Lastras, G., Sanchez-Vidal, A., Smith, Ch., Bahamon, N., Company, J.B. 2010. Faunal characterization by ROV survey of two deep-sea demersal areas in the Valencia trough and the Eivissa channel (Western Mediterranean Sea. XVI Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina - SIEBM Alicante, Spain. Poster.
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Bernardello, R., Donis, D. 2009. Decadal patterns of phytoplankton chlorophyll variability in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. 2nd SESAME Scientific Workshop. Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. Oral presentation.
Libralato, S., Arneri E., Bahamon, N, Coll, M., Cossarini, G., E. Betulla, M, Palomera I., Santojanni A., Solidoro C. 2009. Effects of climate-driven changes on the North-Central Adriatic food web: insights from an End-to-End approach. 2nd SESAME Scientific Workshop. Villefranche-sur-Mer, France. Oral presentation.
Bahamon, N., Sardà, F., Company, J.B., Sánchez, J., Orellana, D., CoenJaerts, J., Martín, D., Zúñiga, D., Calafat, A., Flexas, M., Jordà, G., Espino, M., Puigdefàbregas, J. 2007. Non-linear response of deep-sea red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) catches to environmental forcings in a submarine canyon in NW Mediterranean Sea. North American Benthological Society, 55th Annual Meeting. Columbia, USA
Bahamon, N., Sardà, F., Suuronen P. Company J.B. 2006. Potential impact of improving size selectivity on bottom-trawl fisheries in NW Mediterranean Sea. XIV Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina SIEBM. Barcelona, Spain. Oral presentation.
Coll M., Bahamon, N., Sardà F., Suuronen P., Palomera I., Tudela S. 2006. Setting new trawling selectivity measures within an ecosystem context: the case study of the South Catalan Sea. XIV Simposio Ibérico de Estudios de Biología Marina SIEBM. Barcelona, Spain. Oral presentation.
Sardà, F., Manuel, A., Company Claret, J.B., Aguzzi, J., Sanchez, A., Bahamon, N., Antonijuan, J. 2005. Incidence of Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus L.) emergence activity rhytms on its population assesment. Instrumentation Viewpoint 4, 33.
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velázquez, Z., Weeks, A. 2003. Variability of the underwater light field and chlorophyll a in the Blanes Canyon (NW Mediterranean Sea) during the MERIS-ENVISAT calibration exercise. MERIS Workshop Proceeding, Oct 2003, Frascati, Italy.
Weeks, A., Robinson, I., Byfield, V., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Bahamon, N. 2003. MERIS Validation in the North West Mediterranean and the Mascarene Ridge (Indian Ocean). MERIS Workshop Proceeding, Oct 2003, Frascati, Italy.
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Grimaldo, N.S. 2000. Nitrogen fluxes in oligotrophic marine environments computed with a one-dimensional ecological model. 2nd JGOFS Open Science Conference: Ocean Biogeochemistry: A New Paradigm. 13-17 April. Bergen, Norway. Poster.
Bahamon, N., Cruzado, A., Velasquez, Z., Grimaldo, N.S. 2000. Estimation of nitrogen fluxes in oligotrophic marine environments using an ecological model. XXV General Assembly European Geophysical Society. 25-29 April. Nice, France. Poster.
Cruzado, A., García, H., Velásquez, Z., Grimaldo, N.S., Bahamon, N., 1998. The Coastal Area of the Gulf of Cádiz. Second Annual Scientific ELOISE Conference. Huelva, Spain. September 30 - October 3. Poster.
Velásquez, Z. R., Cruzado, A., Ridolfi, F., Grimaldo, N.S., Bahamon, N., Pérez, M.C. 1998. Environmental factors driving chlorophylls in the Huelva estuary region (SW Spain). Second Annual Scientific ELOISE Conference. Huelva, Spain. September 30 - October 3. Poster.
Cruzado, A., García, H.E., Velásquez, Z.R., Grimaldo, N.S., Bahamon, N., 1998. The Ria de Huelva (SW Spain). Hydrography and general characteristics. In: Morales, J.A., Borrego, J. (Eds.), European Land-Ocean Interaction Studies, Second Annual Scientific Conference: Abstracts 83.
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